Structuring the law system in domestic legal doctrine

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Bilyk P. "Structuring the law system in domestic legal doctrine"

Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychologyand Innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Civil Law and Procedure

The article analyzes the structuring of the legal system as a regulatory framework of the legal system, which is formed based on the legal ideology of a state and at the same time acting as a normative basis for behavior in the field of law. The generative role of legal consciousness in relation to the component structure of the legal system is determined, which in the future ensures its integration. In the context of recent developments in legal doctrine, it is rational to analyze the mental and psychological perception of the distribution of law in the field and the criteria for their separation, which determines the relevance of this scientific article. The criteria of industry formation are the features and properties, the presence of which allows us to conclude that a certain legal entity (institution, subsector, etc.) has achieved in its development the status of a separate independent branch in the legal system. The crystallization of branches of law absolutely occurs in the plane of legal doctrine, but it is important to understand that it is also due to a significant number of non-legal determinants, which are transformed into the legal level through legal awareness. Despite a fairly comprehensive analysis of the structuring of the legal system in the domestic legal doctrine, at the present stage there is a clear need to rethink certain paradigms of jurisprudence, which is seen in changing the emphasis of generally accepted criteria for the division of law in the industry.

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