

The influence of iron sulfides created on 0.45%C steel and microstructure of this steel
on hydrogen overvoltage was investigated. It was shown, that iron sulfides on the surface of
0.45%C steel, usually, decrease hydrogen overvoltage of hydrogen depolarization. The
greatest effect was created by the cansite films. Corrosion of ferrite-perlite microstructure
passes under anode control. Corrosion of troostite microstructure passes under mixed
cathode-anode control, and for sorbite and martensite microstructures it passes under cathode

Features of a modern interpretation of the system of legal sources of Ukraine

In the article in general theoretical aspect highlighted features of the interpretation of a modern system of sources of law in Ukraine, taking into account the latest research. The emphasis on the key problems of the domestic system of sources of law, which in these conditions is imperfect and unstable, which is characteristic of regulatory complexes of transition, creating in turn the relevance, appropriateness and timeliness of the study of the subject in the domestic legal science.

The problem of optimality in decision theory and practice

The system aspects of optimality problem within the framework of the structure of decision-making process, connecting it with DM models and tasks, theoretical and practical aspects of optimal solution peculiarity were analyzed. The analysis entropic specification and their impact on the optimal level of practical decisions was made. The DM methods specifications in context of optimal decisions-making were compared, the consumption of partitioning and threshold method, as one of the most flexible for decision-making in different conditions were justified.

Aspects manifestation of uncertainty in the process of developing decision support systems

This article describes the classification and approaches to the construction of DSS that take into account various aspects of the uncertainty of the development of DSS. Features of the classification were proposed and described. Generalized classification of DSS was improved. The analysis of the types of architecture, architecture reviewed information resource decision support systems, based on the principles of building a data warehouse.

Phenomena of photography in the context of the methodology of poststructuralism

The article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of important aspects of man’s being, connected with spreading of photography in the modern society. In the investigation of this subject, authors examine the usage of the Poststructuralist Methodology. The objective of the article is to define the poststructuralist methodological concepts spread in the humanitarian studies. The authors focus on several principles of poststructuralist methodology, especially on the principle of structure, the principle of differences, deconstruction, and transgression.

Технологія синтезу термітних жароміцних сталей з карбідним зміцненням

The possibility of synthesis of heat-resistant steels metallothermy are set as a result of theoretical and experimental work. The influence of the method of synthesis on metallothermic features of the microstructure and phase composition of the thermite steel was found. The mechanical and service properties and their dependence on temperature and the effect on the properties of the alloy grain thermite metal are set for thermite synthesized analogues of industrial heat-resistant steel grades “40Х15Н7Г7Ф2МС” and “37Х12Н8Г8МФБ”

The use of the structural methodology principles in gender studies

The author proves that past and current gender studies are based on the structural methodology. The paper emphasizes the features of Ukrainian gender studies and their relation to this methodology. The results of this investigation give the possibility to use the structural methodology principles in various fields of humanities and create the analysis methods of modern discursive practices.

Багатовимірні моделі систем кодування на симетричних та асиметричних групах

This paper belongs to the field of systems engineering and is aimed at improving the qualitative indices of information technologies or systems with multidimensional characteristics (e.g. vector data coding design) with respect to reliability, precision and other significant operating characteristics of the systems based on the combinatorial configurations theory, namely the principle of optimal cyclic proportions (OCP).