Phenomena of photography in the context of the methodology of poststructuralism

: 111-116
Received: October 10, 2016
Accepted: November 16, 2016
Lviv National Polytechnic University
Lviv National Polytechnic University

The article is devoted to the philosophical analysis of important aspects of man’s being, connected with spreading of photography in the modern society. In the investigation of this subject, authors examine the usage of the Poststructuralist Methodology. The objective of the article is to define the poststructuralist methodological concepts spread in the humanitarian studies. The authors focus on several principles of poststructuralist methodology, especially on the principle of structure, the principle of differences, deconstruction, and transgression. Usage of this principle is the reason of forming the conception of photography as a part of the new anthropological reality of the European culture. The article investigates works of the famous philosophical theory of photography, especially by Rolan Bartbes. The authors demonstrate his position concerning essence, the structure of photography, and its influence on the being of a person and changes in society. For example, R. Bartbes examines static and dynamic structural elements of photography in a unity. It creates the image of photography process as relations between people. The authors demonstrate that appearance and spread of photography coincide with the epoch of protests, revolutions, attacks, etc. In this context, photography is represented as a symptom of crisis processes in European communities. The article deduces constructive possibility of the Poststructuralist Methodology in the fields where traditional methods of philosophical analysis are not effective.

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