Багатовимірні моделі систем кодування на симетричних та асиметричних групах

Різник В.В. Багатовимірні моделі систем кодування на симетричних та асиметричних групах / В.В. Різник // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2014. – № 783 : Інформаційні системи та мережі. – С. 171–178. – Бібліографія: 8 назв.


Різник В. В.

This paper belongs to the field of systems engineering and is aimed at improving the qualitative indices of information technologies or systems with multidimensional characteristics (e.g. vector data coding design) with respect to reliability, precision and other significant operating characteristics of the systems based on the combinatorial configurations theory, namely the principle of optimal cyclic proportions (OCP). Some problems of computer engineering and information technologies which deal with profitable use of mathematical models and methods for optimization of systems based on the multidimensional combinatorial configurations such as Ideal Ring Bundles (IRB)s are regarded. Properties of the mentioned models correlate favorably with fundamental laws of symmetry and asymmetry interrelation. Special attention is paid to geometric interpretation of symmetric groups and its asymmetric subgroups interrelations. The combinatorial model of the complementary relations of 2D uniform fields and its multidimensional transformations with an ability to reproduce the maximum number of combinatorial varieties of complementary non-uniform subfields of the fields as the hypothetically unified "universal informative field of harmony"[1] is discussed. In view of this, the study was started from the remarkable properties of geometric circular symmetry as the complementary combinatorial asymmetrical structures and multivariable of its ensembles. The possibility for application of a new class of spatial groups using multidimensional symmetrical and non-symmetrical combinatorial configurations or vector data coding with minimal number of the weight digits is shown. Mutual connection of the symmetrical and asymmetrical groups with algebraic structures in Galois fields is regarded.

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