суб’єкт господарювання

Diversification of Foreign Economic Activities of Domestic Carpet Market Enterprises

At the present stage of dynamic development of the world economy, active processes of interpenetration of technologies and capital, expansion of economic relations, economic entities are increasingly faced with various socio-economic challenges. In view of this, the role of foreign economic activity is increasing not only for economic entities, but also for the country as a whole, since all systemic transformations of the economy affect the characteristic features of the development of the specified sphere of activity.

The problems of legal regulation of commercial (brand) name in the legislation of Ukraine

The article deals with the main problems of the institute of commercial (brand) name legal regulation in Ukraine. The contradictions between the Civil Code and Economic Code of Ukraine concerning the subjects of commercial (brand) name are analyzed. The ways of improving the corresponding legal provisions and elimination of contradictions between them are proposed. The expediency of creating a uniform register of commercial (brand) names is proved.


The mechanism of diagnosing the economic decisions making of business entities is
developed and justified. Based on research of theoretical provisions, authors proved economic
decision making is determining condition of economic activity and require delement of the
process of realizing the physical impact on resources through the transformation of which such
activityis carried out. Economic decisions are made directly by business entity that carries out
the activity, independently conducts economic operations, enters into contractual, property

Моделювання вибору стратегії діяльності підприємства та інформаційна технологія обробки інформації

інформаційні технології використання математичних методів і моделей підвищують якість обробки інформації, професійні якості менеджменту, що є одним із важливих факторів при прийнятті оптимальних управлінських рішень. Застосування інформаційних технологій при аналізі виробничої діяльності суб’єкта господарювання вимагає розробки стратегії за якої суб’єкт господарювання відчуває себе конкурентноздатним.