українська мова

Peculiarities of treasury term system establishment and development

The article is dedicated to specific features of treasury terminology formation: the process of its development is characterized and the origin of the term “treasury” retraced. The conceptual apparatus of the area that occurred at the intersection of general and special economic sciences is investigated. Forms of interaction between treasury and other term systems are also defined in the article. Great attention is paid to the enrichment of treasury terminology with terms adopted from other branches of economy as donor branches.

The formation of the scientific musical terminology of the Ukrainian language in the ХVІ–ХVІІІ centuries

The article focuses on the musical terminology analysis of the ХVІ–ХVІІІ centuries, which confirms the cultural and musical evolution of Ukrainian people in the direction of professionalism. The Ukrainian scientific musical terminology started to form during this period having in its basis the fruitful idea of combining national nominations and borrowings from other languages.

Synonymy and antonymy in Ukrainian phytoameliorative terminology in special dictionaries of early XXI century

The urgent problems of synonymy and antonymy in the phytoameliorative system are considered; synonyms and antonyms are characterized by different criteria (structure, concept-semantics, morphology); the correlation between synonymous and antonymous relations in the terminology of phytoamelioration is studied.

Somatic metaphor in railway terminology

The article deals with lexical-genetic characteristics of modern computer terminology. Te branch (computer) terminology is divided into three thematic groups with lexical-semantic subgroups. One can trace the origin, formation and present functioning of terminological units. The analysis of computer terms from the viewpoint of their origin helps to identify the main patterns and trends of their development as well as organize and unify modern computer terminology.

Somatic metaphor in railway terminology

The article deals with the problem of metaphorical term formation in the field of railway industry based on somatic vocabulary and describes lexical and semantic features of metaphorical terms. The term serves as a nominative unit of cognitive activity, the process of its creation being a mechanism of comparing a sign of the general language with a special scientific sign and the human him-/herself performing the role of this sign.

Semantic potential of Ukrainian electric power engineering professionalisms and professional jargonisms

The article is devoted to the structural analysis of electric power engineering professionalisms and professional jargonisms. Structural and functional properties of this layer of the the studied term system have been found.

Scientific interpretation of the notions "terminology" and "term system" (as exemplified in the road-building industry terminology)

In the article the problem of differentiation of the notions “terminology” and “term system” has been considered. An attempt to determine the notional volume of the terms “road-building terminology” and “road-building term system” has been made.