українська мова

Phenomenon of polysemy in terminology science (based on transport megasystem terminology)

Polysemantic relations within the transport terminological megasystem have been inquired into. It has been determined that the inter-system polysemy is a natural phenomenon for terminology as an autonomous subsystem of the present day Ukrainian language. Unlike the inter-system one, a polysemy within the system, noted by us, is interpreted in terminology as a negative phenomenon, which complicates communication.

Structural and word formation peculiarities of modern computer terminology

The article deals with the structural and derivational features of the modern computer terminology. The most productive ways of making computer terminological units are singled out, and specificity of derivative processes of professional vocabulary is described. Certain regularities of creating modern computer terms creating are found out; the trends in further development of studied terminology were detected that helps to identify the ways of normalization of its units.

Suffixe method of creation of terms in homoeopathy

This article continues the series of publications of the author on the study of vocabulary Ukrainian homeopathic industry. The proposed work presents the analysis of derivative processes in studied terminology. In particular, the suffix method of creating terms defined as a level of performance of certain types of structural word in the creation of homeopathic terms. Relevance of the article due to the need to study and systematize ways of creating terms homeopathic field, which today remains less explored at linguistic level.

Polysemy in Ukrainian electric power engineering terminology

The article is sanctified to analyse the specific functioning of the polysemy phenomenon in the Ukrainian electricity terminology. It analyses the main types of the ambiguous tokens in the study of terms. It also studies out the reasons of the appearance of new terminological meanings in special electric power engineering category.

Phraseological units in Ukrainian economic terminology

In the article there are highlighted functioning of phraseological units in Ukrainian terminological system of Finance and Economics. The author focuses on the problem of their definition. The article highlights the peculiarities of the phraseological units with terminological meaning in the dictionary of Finance and Economic. The author presents the semantic types of the researched lexical units.

Нафтохімічне термінотворення в історичному контексті формування і розвитку української науково-технічної термінології: сьогоднішній стан і проблеми

Installation, development, achievment and losses of the Ukrainian scientific petrochemical terms in accordance with historical circumstances are elucidated. Terminological problems and ways of its solution are commented and discussed.

Specificity of sectoral structure of term systems (based on the example of Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry)

Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry is examined as a field structure. Characteristics of terminology field are defined. A particular structure is made – a core and a periphery. Concentration of field-formative features in the core and incomplete set of these features due to possible loosening of their intensity at the periphery are typical for this structure.

Medical terms with cardi(o)- and heart components in modern Ukrainian language

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components cardi(o)- and Ukrainian equivalent heart have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange was brought up. It has been defined their productivity and word formation mobility. The outlook of the article is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.