
Determination of the Cavitation Influence on the Destruction Process of Microorganism Cells Agglomerates

The influence of cavitation on a decrease of the number of microorganism colonies has been investigated. Our results have shown that the number of viable microorganisms in water dispersion during first 30 minutes of sonication increased till maximum. Then their quantity sharply decreased. A kinetic model of ultrasonic degradation of yeast cells aggregates was proposed.

Itensification of the process of receiving osteoplastic porosis composites with use of ultrasonic

The regularities of obtaining of osteoplastic porous composites based on 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate with polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymers in the presence of mineral fillers (hydroxyapatite, montmorillonite and wollastonite) under ultrasound are researched. The influence of ultrasound, nature and amount of inorganic filler on the polymerization rate, copolymers composition and composites porosity has been determined. It was found that homopolymerization of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate without filler under ultrasound action does not occur in experiment conditions.


Usually, in chemical industry the energy of ultrasound is being used to intensify technological processes. However, the complexity of the mechanism of ultrasound action makes it difficult to create a single common theory that could explain its influence on the chemical reactions. Therefore, in each particular case wide-ranging studies of the influence of ultrasound on the chemical reaction, as well as on the structure and properties of the synthesized substances and materials are required.

Порівняльні дослідження перспективних методів очищення природних вод

The different methods of water purification from bacteria of the genus Bacillus are observed. The comparative characteristics of these methods is made. Розглянуто різні методи очищення води від бактерій роду Bacillus. Зроблена порівняльна характеристика цих методів. 

Інактивація бактерій роду diplococcus в атмосфері азоту і повітря

The influence of ultrasonic cavitation on disinfestation from bacterial genus Diplococcus in  the  atmosphere  of  nitrogen  and  air  has  been  investigated.  Based  on  experimental  data suggested  the  joint usage of ultrasound with nitrogen  flushing  is  the most effective agent  for purification of water. 

Change of bacterial amount during sonication

The dynamics of the change of microbial amounts in water medium in sonication time was determined. Gases bubbling of different nature into the reaction medium for water disinfection from bacteria under cavitation conditions is proposed in the article. The rate constants of destruction of Bacillus cereus bacteria type in the gas atmosphere are expected. It was determined that the processes microorganisms’ destruction at bubbling of all investigated gases are described by the kinetic equations of the first order.

Integrated adsorption and ultrasonic technology for water treatment processes

The aim of this work is to study the process of water purification from mechanical and chemical pollution and pathogenic microflora by adsorption and ultrasonic methods. Proposed technology reduces bacterial contamination and purifies water from organic pollutants, improving its quality.