The article analyzes the topicality of the primary standard creation of the ultrasonic pressure unit in water for the frequency range of 0.5–10.0 MHz in Ukraine. Its creation is predetermined by the necessity of the exploited ultrasound medical equipment metrological maintenance as well as for the assessment of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations for medical products to be exploited. The list of ultrasound medical equipment acoustic output parameters is standardized by the International Electrotechnical Commission, in particular, ultrasound diagnostic equipment parameters are standardized in accordance with IEC 61157, and physical therapy equipment parameters are standardized in accordance with IEC 61689.
The article analyzes the methods of reproducing ultrasonic pressure in the aqueous medium in the frequency range from 0.5 MHz to 10 MHz, the method for creating the primary standard unit of ultrasonic pressure in the aqueous medium that is the method of reciprocity with two transducers. The mathematical model of the method of reproduction of the unit of ultrasonic pressure is presented, the functional scheme of the standard with the description of work of the basic elements and the general view of the created primary standard are given.
The basic requirements for the auxiliary ultrasonic transducer, applied according to the chosen method, are specified separately. The requirements for measuring medium – water – are also given. Experimental studies of the metrological properties of the standard are described and a comparison of the obtained characteristics with the characteristics of the corresponding foreign standards is conducted.
[1] IEC 61157 :2007 Standard means for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment. [Online]. Available:
[2] IEC 61689:2013 Ultrasonics – Physiotherapy systems – Field specifications and methods of measurement in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz. [Online]. Available:
[3] IEC 62127-2:2009 Ultrasonics – Hydrophones – Part 2: Calibration for ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz. [Online]. Available:
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[5] DSTU IEC 62127-1:2009 Ultrasonics – Hydrophones – Part 1: Measurement and characterization of medical ultrasonic fields up to 40 MHz (IEC 62127-1:2007, IDT). [Online]. Available:
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