
Features of the export of certified dairy products to the European Union countries in the conditions of Russian aggression in Ukraine

The article attempts to investigate the peculiarities of exporting domestically produced dairy products to the European Union countries in the conditions of full-scale invasion and aggression of the occupier of russia. It caused colossal moral and material losses and damages for Ukraine, including for all sectors of the economy and infrastructural sectors of the economy. Among other sectors of the economy, the production of dairy products in the structure of food production suffered significant damage.

On remuneration of employees of educational institutions under martial law


On February 24, 2022, Russian troops invaded the territory of Ukraine, which led state authorities to adopt a military situation in the country. As a result, a number of questions arise how to act in martial law in various spheres and objects. An important point in this context is the educational sphere, namely the peculiarities of its legal regulation of remuneration of employees of educational institutions in the languages of martial law.

Impact and Significance of Fakes in World History

The first mention of fake news comes from the seventeenth century. Newspaper duck — this is what they call false, falsified and unverified information distributed in the media. According to one version (and many of them), the occurrence of the expression is associated with an anecdote of the Belgian journalist Cornelissen, who once published quite seriously, as if a scientific message, an anecdote about the greed of ducks. Some scientist chopped, say, a duck into small pieces and gave “for breakfast” to other nineteen ducks.

Problems of war and peace in the philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte

Discusses the problems of war and peace in German classical philosophy, prominent representatives of which were I. Kant, G. Hegel, I. Fichte. These and other thinkers in their theoretical writings not only analyze philosophical problems of society, but paid considerable attention, politics, law, morality, and the nature of social effects of the war. They offered interesting ideas of peaceful coexistence of mankind. Philosophical, political, legal, social concepts of prominent German thinkers have not lost their social values and they are extremely important.

Protecting the freedom, independence and sovereignty in the political and legal concepts of Hegel

The problem of protecting freedom, independence and sovereignty in the philosophical, political and legal concepts of the great German philosopher GVF Hegel. German philosopher made a profound analysis of the role and place of the state in the development and functioning of society. He is one of the first drew attention to the need to protect the state of freedom, independence and sovereignty of aggression. In this respect, revealed the role and place of the people and the army to protect their country.

Problems of war and peace in the philosophy of Kant, Hegel, Fichte

Discusses the problems of war and peace in German classical philosophy, prominent representatives of which were I. Kant, G. Hegel, I. Fichte. These and other thinkers in their theoretical writings not only analyze philosophical problems of society, but paid considerable attention, politics, law, morality, and the nature of social effects of the war. They offered interesting ideas of peaceful coexistence of mankind. Philosophical, political, legal, social concepts of prominent German thinkers have not lost their social values and they are extremely important.

On aggressive policy in a state ruling of Russia against Ukraine (historical legal aspect)

The author analyses the contemporary political activity of Russian Federation state rulers and its aggressive character forwarded against the Ukraine. Modern politically strategic activity of Russian authorities is a direct threat to national security, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

The concept of peace and security in the magisterium of the Catholic Church

In modern threats for existing world order, the acute problem of preserving the world peace and security guarantee for all nations and peoples emerges. This particular research examines the concept of peace and security by using a systematic, structural, and functional methods and content analysis which was proposed by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Through the analyzing basic documents of the Roman Pontiffs, the author concludes that the conception proposed by them was based on the need to protect and promote human rights.

Kant: war and peace. A difficult way to perpetual peace

The present article studies the problem of war and peace from the essay “To Perpetual Peace” by the prominent German philosopher Immanuel Kant. The attention is drawn to theoretical and philosophical comprehension of the problem of war and its social consequences, and to the ways to achieve perpetual peace. In his literary work the German philosopher reveals dialectics of interconnection of politics, law, morality and their role in achieving perpetual peace, creatively applying theoretical and methodological approach.

Formation of public policy in the military legal relations

Annotation. The article examines the theoretical and legal aspects of the formation of state policy in the sphere of military relations. Attention is focused on the present regulation of the armed conflict. Points to the need to update the legal regulation of domestic and international relations in the field of operations.