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On the preconditions of corruption during the full-scale war in Ukraine

Preventing and combating corruption is one of the main tasks of the state. It should be noted that the war is another reason to fight this negative phenomenon. Unfortunately, Ukraine has an insufficient level of countering and preventing corruption, as statistical studies show that its scale is not decreasing. Therefore, public authorities need to pay special attention to improving anti-corruption mechanisms and measures to ensure the quality and safe functioning of public policy for the benefit of Ukrainian society.

Ensuring the functioning of society in activities of public authorities under the legal regime of martial law

The scientific article is devoted to the study of the activities of public authorities during the period of martial law in ensuring the functioning of society, characterization of the concept and attributes of state bodies, types of state bodies. The article examines scientific and regulatory approaches to defining the most important functions of the state, in particular, ensuring the security of citizens. On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation, in violation of international law, carried out a full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine.

Feautures of the functioning of local government bodies during the period of marital law in Ukraine

Abstract. The article comprehensively theorizes and analyzes the unique aspects of legal regulations governing the operations of local self-government bodies during Ukraine's period of martial law. It presents specific proposals aimed at enhancing the legislation that oversees this sphere of power and legal relations. The article emphasizes the critical role of local self-government bodies during times of conflict, highlighting their continued significance as a crucial mechanism in upholding the efficient functioning of public authority and the state's defense capabilities.

Modernization of the activities of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine in modern conditions

Annotation. The current conditions of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine are extremely complex, which requires increased efficiency in this area. The purpose of this article was to highlight the main directions of modernization of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. This study was carried out within the limits of the set goal using the following methods: information-analytical method, system approach method, anamnestic method, descriptive statistics method, descriptive analysis method, forecasting method.

Main population groups requiring social protection during wartime conditions

In the contemporary geopolitical context, Ukraine faces unprecedented challenges that demand specific approaches to the social protection of the most vulnerable population groups under wartime conditions. This article addresses the key aspects of legal and social assistance to three primary categories: internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees, war veterans and combat participants, and families of those killed in combat.

On martial status as a special type of administrative-legal regime

The article analyzes the theoretical and legal approaches to the concept, content and methodology of the introduction and functioning of one of the varieties of the administrative-legal regime ‒ the martial law regime, as well as the relationship between the legal categories of «restriction» «prohibition», «obligation», which are components of administrative and legal regimes.

Ukrainian constitutionalism in the conditions of war: the struggle for values, rights and identity

Abstracts. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the functioning mechanism of the constitutional legal order under martial law, in particular the means and methods by which it can protect constitutional values, rights and identity from internal and external threats, and also offers practical recommendations for preventing the possible involution of constitutionalism in the post-war period. 

Features of remote criminal proceedings under the conditions of the state of martial.

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of remote criminal proceedings caused by the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine. The importance and relevance of the issue of the use of the video conference mode in the criminal process during the war are outlined.

Looting as a type of criminal offenses against property: features of its commitment under the conditions of the state of martial

Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of looting and other types of criminal offenses committed against property during the legal regime of martial law. As you know, the problem of preserving property is especially relevant during military operations. Among all criminal offenses, crimes aimed at the appropriation of someone else's property occupy a special place, given the numerous forms of their manifestation.

Crimes against the basics of national security in the context of recent amendments and changes

Characterization of crimes against the foundations of national security in the context of the latest changes and additions was carried out. It is established that criminal law is not stable, as it is based on changing and fluid historical conditions, which are determined by political, social and economic forces. In view of the current events caused by the started war against our state, a number of changes and additions were made to Chapter 1 "Crimes against the foundations of national security" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.