запобігання та протидія корупції

On the preconditions of corruption during the full-scale war in Ukraine

Preventing and combating corruption is one of the main tasks of the state. It should be noted that the war is another reason to fight this negative phenomenon. Unfortunately, Ukraine has an insufficient level of countering and preventing corruption, as statistical studies show that its scale is not decreasing. Therefore, public authorities need to pay special attention to improving anti-corruption mechanisms and measures to ensure the quality and safe functioning of public policy for the benefit of Ukrainian society.

Civil servant ethics as a means of preventing and combating corruption

The article comprehensively examines the ethics of a civil servant as a means of preventing and countering corruption. It is emphasized that civil servants have a special public purpose, goals, tasks that are determined by the specifics of their professional activity. While performing the tasks and functions of the state, civil servants potentially have conflicts (including conflict of interests), difficult situations, corruption risks, which requires the presence of not only professional (business), psychological qualities, educational level, but also moral qualities.

International cooperation in the field of prevention and counteraction

The article highlights the most actual social problem of Ukraine, as well as many countries around the world - preventing and counteracting corruption in all fields of government through cooperation with international organizations.

There is a widespread opinion in the collective  consciousness that corruption crimes do not cause significant harm to society, so certain social sectors choose not legal but corrupt ways to solve everyday problems. An honest official often does not please either the general population or entrepreneurs as his most active part.