Civil servant ethics as a means of preventing and combating corruption

: 23-29
Baran A., Holiak I. "Civil servant ethics as a means of preventing and combating corruption."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article comprehensively examines the ethics of a civil servant as a means of preventing and countering corruption. It is emphasized that civil servants have a special public purpose, goals, tasks that are determined by the specifics of their professional activity. While performing the tasks and functions of the state, civil servants potentially have conflicts (including conflict of interests), difficult situations, corruption risks, which requires the presence of not only professional (business), psychological qualities, educational level, but also moral qualities. While performing their official duties, civil servants should be aware that they are obliged to faithfully serve the people of Ukraine and to bear the title of civil servant with dignity.

As stated in the International Code of Conduct for Public Officials, a public office is a position of trust that involves the obligation to act in the interests of the state. Public officials must perform their duties and functions competently and efficiently, in accordance with the law and with full integrity, and make fair and impartial decisions. A corrupt person who holds such a position acts contrary to these requirements, abusing the trust of the state. It acts illegally, unscrupulously, unjustly and biasedly, giving an undue advantage to its private interest or the interests of other persons.

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