
The Essential Characteristics of the Main Concepts of the Categorical Apparatus of Work Safety Management in Territorial Communitie

Workplace safety management in territorial communities is of great importance for ensuring the safety and health of workers at the local community level. In order to prevent accidents and deterioration of health, effective work safety management is essential, involving a systematic approach to the identification, assessment, and control of risks associated with working conditions and processes.


This paper presents the design and development of an intelligent air quality monitoring system that utilizes the widely adopted and versatile Arduino Uno microcontroller as its foundational platform. The system underwent comprehensive testing procedures to ensure its adherence to specified requirements. Moreover, a series of experiments were conducted in diverse areas of a residential environment to generate datasets for various air quality indicators.

The structural role of the state in the processes of health care and the provision of the national security system

Within the framework of this article, an analysis of the structural role of the state in health care processes was made, its functional purpose was solved in solving systemic problems concerning the preservation of the labor potential of the nation as a structural condition for the provision of the national security system in a crisis, and the main problems of human development that determine quality health systems, both at the global and national levels, and identifies the relevant sections of the exacerbation of the social security of citizens that narrow the space of the national ezpeky

Дослідження множини ризиків прийняття рішень в галузі екології

Проаналізовано та досліджено основні методи та засоби множини оцінювання ризиків прийняття рішень у галузі екології. Виконано аналітичний огляд класифікацій системи ризиків залежно від ознак.