Certain issues of ensuring the right to freedom and personal inviolability

: 43-48

Shulhan I. "Certain issues of ensuring the right to freedom and personal inviolability "

Lviv Polytechnic National University Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article analyzes the essence of the right to freedom and personal inviolability, the mechanisms for ensuring it during criminal proceedings, and also defines the conditions for its lawful restriction. The right to liberty and personal inviolability acquires special significance for the following reasons: firstly, it belongs to everyone from birth and does not depend on the citizenship, secondly, it is basic for many constitutional rights and freedoms, thirdly, it is one of the important elements of a person's legal status and, fourthly, it is an effective guarantee not only of constitutional rights, but also of rights enshrined in sectoral legislation. The attention is focused on the observance of the principles of legality and validity of restriction of freedom and personal inviolability in the criminal proceedings. The need for precise and unswerving implementation of the norms governing the procedure for the implementation of measures of criminal procedural coercion by the bodies of pre-trial investigation, the prosecutor and the court was emphasized. As well as the availability of all the evidence at the competent authority that testifies to the unconditional need to restrict human rights in order to achieve the objectives of the criminal process.

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