Nature, structure and typology communication (communication) in professional of lawyer

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2015; 824(6): 347–356


Olena Chornobay

Conception of development of legal education in Ukraine envisages training of highly skilled legal personnels apt at active, creative voice in legal life, that have political, legal and, that it is extraordinarily important, proper language culture. Clear that judges, public prosecutors, investigators, advocates, are necessary it is first of all good to know that matters for the dispatch of various legal businesses, id est maintenance of concrete laws, order of realization of legal procedures and others like that. Thus it follows constantly to remember and that preparation that is limited to the certain objects not only impoverishes intellectual potential of specialist-lawyer but also does not answer character of him professional activity that is confessed by socialpublic. Thus, the question of culture of idea and word in professional activity of lawyer is affected by a practical necessity and life.

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