Globalization development and social state

1. Skakun O. F. Teoriya prava i derzhavy : pidruchnyk . Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrayiny. [Theory of Law and State] Kiev, “Pravova yednist” Publ., 2009, 519 p. 2. Furniss H. The Case for the Welfare State: From Social Security to Social Equality, Bloomington, 1976, 249 р. 3. Lukashuk I. I. Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, XXI vek. [Globalization, state, law, XXI Century]. Moscow, “Spark” Publ., 2000, 279 p. 4. Antonovych M. Osnovy demokratiyi : pidruch. dlya stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. [Foundations of democracy]. Lviv, “Astrolyabiya” Publ., 2009, 831 p. 5. Esping-Andersen G. The three worlds of welfare capitalism. New Jersey, “Princeton Univ Press” Publ., 1990, 260 p. 6. Kejns Dzh. M. Obshhaja teorija zanjatosti, procenta i deneg .[The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money] Moscow, “Progress” Publ., 1978, 494 p. 7. Ojken V. Osnovy nacional’noj jekonomii. [Fundamentals of National Economy]. Moscow, “Jekonomika” Publ., 1996, 351 p. 8. Marchenko M. N. Gosudarstvo i pravo v uslovijah globalizacii : monografija. [State and Law in the context of globalization]. Moscow, “Prospekt” Publ., 2008, 400 p. 9. Shapoval V. Konstytutsiyna katehoriy sotsial’noyi derzhavy. [Constitutional categories welfare state]. Kiev, “Pravo Ukrayiny” Publ., 2004, Vol. 5. Pp. 14-19. 10. Sorokin V. V. Juridicheskaja globalistika : uchebnik . [Legal globalistics] Moscow, “Jurlitinform” Publ., 2010, 400 p. 11. Klapkham R. Rynkova ekonomika Nimechchyny. Sotsial’na oriyentatsiya, sotsial’nyy poryadok. [The market economy in Germany. The social orientation, social order]. Kiev, “Viche” Publ., 2002, Vol. 10. Pp. 62–66. 12. Myslivchenko A. G. Perspektivy evropejskoj modeli social’nogo gosudarstva. [Prospects for the European model of the welfare state]. “Voprosy filosofii” Publ., 2004, Vol. 6. Pp. 3–12. 13. Luts’ L. A. Yevropeys’ki mizhderzhavni pravovi systemy: zahal’noteoretychna kharakterystyka : avtoreferat dysertatsiyi doktora yurydychnykh nauk : spets. 12.00.01 “Teoriya ta istoriya derzhavy i prava; istoriya politychnykh i pravovykh vchen’”. [European intergovernmental legal systems: General description] Kiev, “NAN Ukrayiny, In-t derzhavy i prava im. V. M. Korets’koho” Publ., 2005, 32 p. 14. Sidenko V. Imperatyvy systemnoho reformuvannya ukrayins’koyi ekonomiky kriz’ pryzmu asotsiatsiyi Ukrayiny z YeS. Ukrayina-2014: sotsial’no ekonomichna kryza ta poshuk shlyakhiv reformuvannya. [Systemic imperatives of reforming the Ukrainian economy in the light of EU association Ukraine]. Kiev, “Zapovit” Publ., 2014, 60 p.


D. Skovronskyy

The concept of the welfare state have constitutions of France, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Gabon, Guinea, Congo, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Republic of Chad and others. In the context of globalization, the strengthening of social contradictions in relations between the state and civil society, leading to a crisis of the welfare state. The crisis is global and national levels. The globalization contributed to strengthening of the welfare state phenomenon over the
last twenty years. However, these disputes may align by achieving balance in the interaction of the main social and political forces in society. This balance outlines priority areas and determines measures that will help to achieve the goals. In modern conditions the main challenges for the welfare state is its antinomic relationship with civil society and undermining its social base of globalization. Today Ukraine is going through difficult social and economic times in terms of hybrid war with Russia. There is a growing degree of social tension. Mass demonstrations, rallies, protests in many European countries become signs of recurrence and repeatability. In this context, the problem of establishing socially responsible democratic state becomes more and more controversial.

1. Skakun O. F. Teoriya prava i derzhavy : pidruchnyk . Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrayiny. [Theory of Law and State] Kiev, “Pravova yednist” Publ., 2009, 519 p. 2. Furniss H. The Case for the Welfare State: From Social Security to Social Equality, Bloomington, 1976, 249 р. 3. Lukashuk I. I. Globalizacija, gosudarstvo, pravo, XXI vek. [Globalization, state, law, XXI Century]. Moscow, “Spark” Publ., 2000, 279 p. 4. Antonovych M. Osnovy demokratiyi : pidruch. dlya stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. [Foundations of democracy]. Lviv, “Astrolyabiya” Publ., 2009, 831 p. 5. Esping-Andersen G. The three worlds of welfare capitalism. New Jersey, “Princeton Univ Press” Publ., 1990, 260 p. 6. Kejns Dzh. M. Obshhaja teorija zanjatosti, procenta i deneg .[The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money] Moscow, “Progress” Publ., 1978, 494 p. 7. Ojken V. Osnovy nacional’noj jekonomii. [Fundamentals of National Economy]. Moscow, “Jekonomika” Publ., 1996, 351 p. 8. Marchenko M. N. Gosudarstvo i pravo v uslovijah globalizacii : monografija. [State and Law in the context of globalization]. Moscow, “Prospekt” Publ., 2008, 400 p. 9. Shapoval V. Konstytutsiyna katehoriy sotsial’noyi derzhavy. [Constitutional categories welfare state]. Kiev, “Pravo Ukrayiny” Publ., 2004, Vol. 5. Pp. 14-19. 10. Sorokin V. V. Juridicheskaja globalistika : uchebnik . [Legal globalistics] Moscow, “Jurlitinform” Publ., 2010, 400 p. 11. Klapkham R. Rynkova ekonomika Nimechchyny. Sotsial’na oriyentatsiya, sotsial’nyy poryadok. [The market economy in Germany. The social orientation, social order]. Kiev, “Viche” Publ., 2002, Vol. 10. Pp. 62–66. 12. Myslivchenko A. G. Perspektivy evropejskoj modeli social’nogo gosudarstva. [Prospects for the European model of the welfare state]. “Voprosy filosofii” Publ., 2004, Vol. 6. Pp. 3–12. 13. Luts’ L. A. Yevropeys’ki mizhderzhavni pravovi systemy: zahal’noteoretychna kharakterystyka : avtoreferat dysertatsiyi doktora yurydychnykh nauk : spets. 12.00.01 “Teoriya ta istoriya derzhavy i prava; istoriya politychnykh i pravovykh vchen’”. [European intergovernmental legal systems: General description] Kiev, “NAN Ukrayiny, In-t derzhavy i prava im. V. M. Korets’koho” Publ., 2005, 32 p. 14. Sidenko V. Imperatyvy systemnoho reformuvannya ukrayins’koyi ekonomiky kriz’ pryzmu asotsiatsiyi Ukrayiny z YeS. Ukrayina-2014: sotsial’no ekonomichna kryza ta poshuk shlyakhiv reformuvannya. [Systemic imperatives of reforming the Ukrainian economy in the light of EU association Ukraine]. Kiev, “Zapovit” Publ., 2014, 60 p.