In the article the fall of regulation on the development of the provision of electronic administrative services in Ukraine in the context of the experience of e-government in the member states of the European Union. On the basis of the legislation of Ukraine and other normative acts reveal the essence of the provision of administrative services in electronic form of electronic interaction between authorities determined the problems arising in consequence of the use of information and communication technologies.
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2. “Pro rishennya Rady natsional'noyi bezpeky i oborony Ukrayiny vid 6 travnya 2015 roku “Pro Stratehiyu natsional'noyi bezpeky Ukrayiny” ["The decision of the Council of national security and defense of Ukraine from may 6, 2015 "About Strategy of national security of Ukraine"]. The Decree Of The President Of Ukraine on Мау 06, 2015. Availadle at:
3. “Pro rishennya Rady natsional'noyi bezpeky i oborony Ukrayiny vid 27 sichnya 2016 roku “Pro Stratehiyu kiberbezpeky Ukrayiny” [2016 "On the decision of the Council of national security and defense of Ukraine from 27 January 2016 "On the cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine"]. The Decree Of The President Of Ukraine onJanuary 27, 2016. Availadle at:
4. "On approval of Strategy of development of information society in Ukraine" ["On approval of Strategy of development of information society in Ukraine"]. Order the Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraineon Мау 15, 2013. Availadle at:
5. “Pro skhvalennya Kontseptsiyi rozvytku elektronnoho uryaduvannya v Ukrayini” ["On approval of the Concept of e-government development in Ukraine"].Order the Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraineon December 13, 2010. Availadle at:
6. “Deyaki pytannya reformuvannya derzhavnoho upravlinnya Ukrayiny” ["Some issues of reforming of public administration of Ukraine"].Order the Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraineon June 24, 2016. Availadle at:
7. “Pro skhvalennya Kontseptsiyi Derzhavnoyi tsil'ovoyi prohramy stvorennya ta funktsionuvannya informatsiynoyi systemy nadannya administratyvnykh posluh na period do 2017 roku” ["On approval of Concept of State program of creation and functioning of information system of administrative services for the period until 2017"]. Order the Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraineon July 24, 2013. Availadle at:http://zakon2.
8. “Pro spryyannya rozvytku hromadyans'koho suspil'stva v Ukrayini (Natsional'na stratehiya spryyannya rozvytku hromadyans'koho suspil'stva v Ukrayini na 2016-2020 roky) ["On promoting the development of civil society in Ukraine (national strategy for the promotion of civil society development in Ukraine for 2016-2020)]. The Decree Of The President Of Ukraine on February 26, 2016. Availadleat:
9. “Pro zatverdzhennya vymoh do pidhotovky tekhnolohichnoyi kartky administratyvnoyi posluhy” ["On approval of requirements to preparation of technological cards of administrative services"]. Resolution Of The Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraine on January 30, 2016. Availadleat: http://zakon2.rada.
10. “Pro vnesennya zmin do postanovy Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny vid 18 lypnya 2012 r. № 670” ["On amending resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from July 18, 2012 № 670"]. Resolution Of The Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraine on January 30, 2016. Availadleat:
11. Stefanovych Ye. E-UKRAINE Innovation platform for Reforms” [E-UKRAINE Innovation platform for Reforms”]. Availadleat:
12. “Pro vnesennya zmin do deyakykh postanov Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny shchodo diyal'nosti Derzhavnoho ahent•stva z pytan' elektronnoho uryaduvannya” ["On amendments to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning activities of the State Agency for e-governance"]. Resolution Of The Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraine on November 16, 2016. Availadleat: cardnpd?docid=249554415.
13. “Pro skhvalennya Kontseptsiyi rozvytku systemy elektronnykh posluh v Ukrayini” ["On approval of the Concept of development of e-services in Ukraine"]. Resolution Of The Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraine on November 16, 2016. Availadleat: control/uk/cardnpd?docid=249570503.