Legal regulation of provision of electronic administrative services

: 195-202

Slivka M., Ginda A. "Legal regulation of provision of electronic administrative services"

Doctor of Law, Assistant of the Department of Administrative and Information Law Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University,
student Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, psychology and innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article examines the features of the legal regulation of electronic administrative services. It is noted that one of the components of information society development is e-government - a new format of organization of public authorities, which creates the necessary conditions to increase efficiency, transparency, openness of these bodies using information and communication technologies, which should be tailored to the needs of citizens.

For the full functioning of government websites according to the concept of "e-government" there is a need to provide electronic administrative services. However, at this stage, the websites of the authorities are mostly informative, where it is possible to obtain only some samples and copies of documents. This does not fully ensure the provision of administrative services online. In addition, current conditions, including the quarantine period for COVID-19, require the government to provide administrative services using electronic technology.

It is emphasized that our state is at the stage of formation of electronic administrative services, which require further modernization and taking into account the experience of some foreign countries. Implementation of receiving administrative services online will increase public confidence in government agencies and help improve the quality of services. However, this process is negatively affected by the lack of a unified strategy and system, the imperfection of the regulatory framework for the implementation of e-services. After all, different authorities use different approaches to the implementation of this issue, related to legal, technical and financial aspects. Therefore, taking into account the European experience, it is necessary to create an integrated system of providing electronic administrative services, as well as to create a public authority that will monitor the provision of such services.

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