Model of activities of Ukrainian higher educational institutions: conceptual and legal basis

: 68-76

Harasymiv Т., Parpan U. "Model of activities of Ukrainian higher educational institutions:conceptual and legal basis".

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article deals with the theoretical and legal model of activity of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, its conceptual and legal foundations. Having analyzed the nature of a higher educational institution as the main constituent element of the system of higher education and the key subject of educational legal relations, it is proved that it is a legal entity of private or public law, which, on the grounds provided for by national legislation, attaches to public relations and is entrusted with administrative powers. It is noted that higher education institution as the main component of the general system of higher education and the key subject of educational legal relations can be defined as a special educational and scientific institution, whose activity is directed, in accordance with the legislation, to the conduct of educational activities at certain levels of higher education, the implementation of scientific, scientific -technical, innovative and methodical activities, ensuring the organization of the educational process and the acquisition of higher education.

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