Historical and legal analysis of the criminal and legal approach to domestic violence

: 189-194

Anastasiia Baran "Historical and legal analysis of the criminal and legal approach to domestic violence". https://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-10-number-2-38...

Іnstitute law, psychology and innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Theory, history and philosophy of law Assistant Professor

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of domestic violence at different times and in different countries, as a result of which it can be stated that regardless of the development of society, its evolution, the problems of domestic violence have always existed. It has been found that the roots of domestic violence in history are deep, come from ancient times and are determined by the peculiarities of national values, culture, traditions and, of course, religion of different peoples and states. Today, domestic violence is one of the most acute problems of society, which is quite widespread in the whole world and during the period of quarantine restrictions, it is gaining larger and larger scales.

Modern society considers domestic violence as a type of criminal offense, but in most cases in Ukraine, domestic violence remains a family secret, because victims of such violence are ashamed to admit it and report it to law enforcement authorities.

Realization of personal human rights, guaranteeing the right to life and health, to free personal development is one of the main tasks of the legal social state, which Ukraine is declared to be. Ensuring these rights is directly related to combating violent acts and, in particular, domestic violence. 

The first attempts to regulate family relations at the legislative level, as evidenced by historical monuments, were made as early as the 18th century BC, during the reign of Hammurabi, king of Babylon. In the laws of King Hammurabi, a lot of attention was paid to family relations - both property and non-property, as well as the protection of some rights of children. Thus, the analysis of individual provisions of these laws makes it possible to assert that they protected the interests of the family and established equal rights of spouses regarding property and dignified conditions of family life, as well as provided for clearly defined grounds for divorce, both on the part of the man and the woman. At the same time, the laws of King Hammurabi also provided for the possibility of placing a woman or child in debt bondage for a certain period in case of inability to repay the debt.

Gender-based violence has deep historical roots both in Ukraine and abroad . It takes its origin from ancient times, since mankind began to exist on Earth.

It is worth noting that domestic violence is an urgent problem at the current stage of development , both for the person against whom it is committed, as well as for the families where it is committed and, of course, for our society in general, because domestic violence is one of the most common forms of human rights violations in the world.

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