Questions of status of “non-regular” children

: 46-50

Zharovska I., Oliynyk P. "Questions of status of “non-regular” children"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education, D.Sc. (Law), Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article analyzes the status of children born with the help of the newest methods of reproduction (“non-traditional children”), in particular concerning the challenges associated with their socialization in social reality. It turns out that the status of such children is closely  linked to family-legal relations. The nature of the family in our society has changed over the past decades as a result of significant socio-economic changes. The availability and range of services for the medical treatment of infertility is increasing, which also contributes to the growth of the diversity of families. The problem of stigmatization of “nontraditional” children is pointed out. The disadvantages of legal regulation of the problem under investigation in Ukraine are analyzed.

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