Diagnostics of terrorist threat through understanding thinking personality of terrorist (terrorist group)

: 215-222

Kantsir V. S., Marysyuk K. B.
"Diagnostics of terrorist threat through understanding thinking personality of terrorist (terrorist group)"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Analyzed certain aspects of the logical thinking of the personality of the terrorist, his
socio-psychological portrait. It is proved that the thinking of such a criminal is difficult to
unambiguously interpret, it is distorted, one-sided, without alternative, subject to the same goal –
the realization of a terroristact. The emotional component occupies more space than any
logical analysis, monitoring.
Describes the causes of emotional lability of the person, the ease of instantaneous
transition from one emotional state to another - directly opposite, aggressive.
The socio-psychological functions of a terrorist group, motivational platforms, the desire
for member shipin a terrorist organization have been studied.

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