
Participation of Local Self-Government and the Public in Ensuring the Functioning of the National Counter-Terrorism System

Abstract. The article analyses the legal acts regulating the sphere of protection of infrastructure facilities, participation of local self-government bodies and the public in ensuring the functioning of the national counter-terrorism system, in particular, the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ‘On Approval of the Rules of Anti-Terrorist Security’.

Strategy for combating illegal armed formations: content, components, evolution

The issue of determining the need to develop a strategy for combating illegal armed formations is considered, the content and components of the strategy are defined and how the development of individual components changes approaches to the strategy itself is shown. The emphasis is placed on the complexity of formulating a strategy in the field of national security as a result of uncertainty of the concept of strategic legal acts, their hierarchy and content in the Ukrainian legislation.

Regulatory and Legal Provision of the Fight Against Illegal Armed Groups in Ukraine

Problem setting. The definition of illegal armed groups is analyzed, the content of problems that need a legal provision to combat illegal armed groups is determined. The system of Ukrainian normative legal acts and key international legal acts related to terrorism and the fight against terrorist financing is outlined.

European Union's Initiatives in the Struggle against the Propaganda of Terrorism (Research Article)

In the article, the author analyzes the EU initiatives that prevent radicalization, reduce the impact of destructive content, and increase public awareness and the ability to distinguish objective information from fakes and disinformation. The author emphasizes that the EU’s struggle against radicalization, extremism and terrorism is based on four “pillars”:

Terrorist threat: the present phenomenon adaptation

This article analyzes the modern understanding of the concept of terrorism through the
prism of criminal law phenomenon. A number of international regulations related to the
organization and committing terrorism exposure. Delineated the concept of “terror” and
“terrorism”. Examples of systemic combating terrorism. Analyzed the views of Ukrainian and
foreign scientists in fighting terrorism.

Diagnostics of terrorist threat through understanding thinking personality of terrorist (terrorist group)

Analyzed certain aspects of the logical thinking of the personality of the terrorist, his
socio-psychological portrait. It is proved that the thinking of such a criminal is difficult to
unambiguously interpret, it is distorted, one-sided, without alternative, subject to the same goal –
the realization of a terroristact. The emotional component occupies more space than any
logical analysis, monitoring.
Describes the causes of emotional lability of the person, the ease of instantaneous

Psycho-legal portrait of the terrorist person

The modern understanding of the psychological and legal portrait of a person of a
terrorist through the prism of general psychological characteristics, criminal law and
criminological phenomena is analyzed for a qualitatively new understanding of the problems
connected with the organization of terrorist groups, the commission of terrorist crimes and
their disclosure. The opinions of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the field of combating
terrorism are analyzed.

Relevance of illegal migration processes and international terroristic activity

The article is devoted to the disclosure of the phenomenon of illegal migration, which, in its turn, is an extremely favorable environment for international terroristic activities. It is in the environment of illegal migrants that terrorist organizations look for direct perpetrators of terrorist acts, spread criminal ideas of revenge, hatred of “prosperous” countries and their citizens.