Principles of the lawyeras the basic basis of the activities of the advocate self government

: 34-41

Bochlylyak N. I.
"Principles of the lawyeras the basic basis
of the activities of the advocate self government"

Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Principles  of  advocacy  have  an  indisputable  significance  to  characterize  the  functional 
and  organizational  foundations  of  the  advocacy,  as  they  are  the  basic  principles  defining  the 
essence  of  advocacy  and  advocacy.  Advocacy  principles  allow  to  explore  the  functional  and 
organizational  foundations  of  the  advocacy  through  the  system  of  ideas  enshrined  in  the 
legislation,  each  of  which  reflects  a  certain  specific  the  beginning,  and  collectively 
characterizes  the  entire  institute  of  advocacy.Obviously,  the  principles  of  organization  and 
principles  of  activity  advocacy  Atures  are  distinct  groups  of  a  more  general  notion,  their 
existence  is  a  peculiar  consequence  of  the  classification  of  this  more  general  concept,  which 
covers  both  the  first  and  second  group  of  principles.  It  is  precisely  such  a  general  group  of 
principles  that  would  characterize  the  basic  principles  of  the  construction,  the  activity  of  the 
legal  profession  as  a  legal  institution,  and,  in  our  opinion,  it  could  be  called  the  principles  of 
the Bar Association of Ukraine.

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