«In a society based on respect for the rule of law, a lawyer plays a special role. A lawyer's responsibilities do not begin and end with the conscientious performance of his/her statutory powers. A lawyer must serve the interests of justice, as well as those whose rights and freedoms he is authorized to defend and protect, in addition, a lawyer's duties include not only defending the client's interests but also being a client's advisor. Respect for the professional function of a lawyer is a necessary condition for the rule of law and democracy in society» [1, p. 1].
The practical experience of the legal profession over the years, as well as the traditions and customs in its activities, have determined the common model of the lawyer for the entire international legal community. The creation of legislation, the norms of which will reflect the model of the European Institute of law, the system of advocacy, which would correspond to economic and socio-political realities - all these are primary conditions for membership in the European Union.
A set of professional and personal requirements, due to the special nature and specificity of advocacy and reflect the system of general, personal and professional qualities of a lawyer. The appropriate level of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens directly depends on the effectiveness of their legal support, as well as is closely related to the state of the bar and is determined by the reality of the implementation of the fundamental principles of its organization and implementation. A significant role in this matter is also given to the moral content of their duty because the combination of moral and legal in the content of the professional duty of a lawyer occurs on the principle of moral observance of legal norms, that is, the legal aspect of the professional duty of a lawyer should be based on the moral foundations of public life.
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