Classification of forms of participation in crime

: 253-258

Kryzhanovskyi A., Marysyuk K.
"Classification of forms of participation in crime"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the analysis of the question of classification of forms of complicity in crime. It is stated that modern criminal law is quite far from solving the question of a unified approach to the classification of forms of complicity. The current Criminal Code of Ukraine was not able to completely remove the said dispute. Not disputing the arguments of all parties, however, in our opinion, we believe that now is not the time for radical changes to one of the leading institutions of criminal law, especially in the conditions of active development of the new Criminal Code of Ukraine. Therefore, it is further suggested that the basic and most relevant for the correct criminal legal qualification be further enshrined in Art. 28 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine the approach according to which on subjective grounds, on stability of subjective connections, stability of intent differentiates committing a crime by different criminal groups: a) committing a crime by a group of persons; b) committing a crime by a group of persons by prior conspiracy; c) committing a crime by an organized group; d) committing a crime by a criminal organization. The only change that is long overdue, we consider the addition of the mentioned list item “d” “committing a crime by a gang.” In spite of the opposing views in science, we are convinced of the need for this step, which will serve to more clearly distinguish the features inherent in the gang and to distinguish the latter from other forms of complicity from crime.

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