State authorities and freedom of religion in the city of lviv: establishment, development, discrimination, restoration

: 10-18

Riaboshapko L., Yarmol L., Byshkevych Y. "State authorities and freedom of religion in the city of lviv: establishment,
development, discrimination, restoration"

Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Senior Research Officer of Lviv History Museum of Department of the Museum of History of Lviv

The article covers political, historical, legal, constitutional issues of state-church relations, the importance of spiritual values as an object of constitutional-legal relations, the formation and implementation of legislation on freedom of religion in Lviv. The importance of holding the All-Ukrainian Orthodox Council in Kyiv on December 15, 2018 is underlined. The decision of the Council became the legal basis for the creation of an autocephalous local Orthodox Church. It is emphasized that the topic of religious and legal relations in Lviv under different state regimes has been the subject of analysis of many scholars. Significant creative achievements were made by Polish and Austrian scientists, as well as by Soviet and Ukrainian scientists. It is stated that their works cover the historical events in the city of Lviv in different historical periods, as well as the analysis of the legislation in the sphere of freedom of religion. The article describes the activities of various state authorities on the territory of Ukraine in terms of securing or violating citizens’ rights to freedom of religion in Lviv. It is a question of the status of religious norms in the city of Lviv during the city’s entry into the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia, Kingdom of Poland (Commonwealth), Austrian Monarchy (Austro-Hungarian Empire), ZUNR (West Ukrainian People’s Republic), Republic of Poland, USSR, III Reich, Ukraine. With the widespread use of factual material, the state of realisation of religious rights of believers of different denominations (Orthodox, Catholic, Apostolic, Jewish) in the city of Lviv in different historical periods is characterized. The article reflects the dialogue between local self-government bodies and public authorities in Lviv with civil society institutions. Such a dialogue allows to regulate periodic political and legal conflicts on religious grounds, and thus to implement constitutional legislation on freedom of conscience and religion.

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