Conformist behavior under conditions of socio-legal disorganization

: 98-103

Romanova A., Shcherbai I. "Conformist behavior under conditions of socio-legal disorganization"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Master's Degree student

The peculiarity of conformist nature of human behavior under conditions of socio-legal disorganization caused by the differentiation of public institutions, which contradicts the general principles of a particular social formation, is revealed. Great attention is paid to the state of society, which requires active, lawful action rather than passive and adaptive existence from a person. It's a matter of fact that such human behavior, which is capable of affecting the state and development of economic, social, political, ideological and social relations, as well as the status of the person and implementation of his/her interests, is of legal importance. Human behavior in conditions of social disorganization can be unpredictable and unpredictable. The ideal form of expression of legal behavior in all circumstances is legitimately active behavior, but life's realities indicate that not all members of society can and are ready during the crisis-transitional period of development of society to maintain such behavior. The main social characteristic of legitimate behavior is social importance, significance. It is the criterion for the classification of human behavior in the legal sphere, on the basis of which there is a division of behavior into one that is of interest to society and socio-natural space in general, and one that is of no interest. It is emphasized that conformist behavior is characterized by adaptation, passive acceptance of the existing order, lack of one's own attitude to life, submission to psychological pressure. Conformism in lawful behavior is especially dangerous under conditions of revolutions, national liberation movements, and overthrow of antidemocratic regimes. Given the crisis state of development of society does not violate generally accepted norms is not enough, it is necessary to exercise legitimate activity. Such activity of citizens in society, in the state is necessary to overcome a certain crisis. Taking a «wait-and-see» position, a person translates the solution of social problems, in particular those that concern him / her to other members of the society, while very often expressing their own dissatisfaction with their actions.

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