The critical view on the legal socialization: sublimated slavery or the problem of authoritarian subbmition of a person in non-democratic states

: 87-91

Paruta O. "The critical view on the legal socialization: sublimated slavery or the problem of authoritarian subbmition of a person in non-democratic states"

Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education, D.Sc. (Law), Associate Professor

Summary. The article analyzes the relationship between authoritarianism and legal socialization. The concept of "legal socialization of the individual" is interdisciplinary, that is why in our article we will consider it primarily from the standpoint of law, psychology and pedagogy. Typically, the analysis of legal socialization concerns the positive influence of the state and society, creating conditions for better assimilation of social and legal experience, norms and rules of coexistence of people develops positive qualities. As opposed way we try to explore adaptive features of authoritarianism with its authoritarian submission and aggression. First of all, the idea came to describe social learning based on authoritarian psychological processes with a high level of collaboration among people in the group. But as expected, authoritarianism had negative impact to diversity of views. The authoritarian regime may be described by the social discrimination as the basic characteristic. Therefore it is typically perceived as the social problem. We examined the interaction of authoritarianism with next consepts: legal identity, legal consciousness and behavior. Our prediction of the positive connection between authoritarianism and social isolation has been confirmed. The conclusions indicate that we should keep doing research in this direction. The scientific community should discuss the problem of authoritarian submission of the individual in the modern society. Regression analysis revealed that authoritarian aggression is always related with social dominance. The way of becaming a real personality is always difficult and hard for each person. That is why the state will have to resist destructive tendencies, using variety of techniques which will allow a person to choose the type of behavior wich acceptable in society.

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