Essential human characteristics in natural and legal environment

: 83-88

Romanova A. "Essential human characteristics in natural and legal environment"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The peculiarity of the essential characteristics of a person in the natural and legal environment is revealed. It consists in the possibility of a person's choice of one or another type of his / her own behavior, as well as problems of self-appraisal, system of values, valuable orientations and freedom of man. Great attention is paid to the process of personal being, which takes place as a constant struggle of opposites between external and internal elements of self-realization and vital activity of man, and in addition, the fact that man, exercising vital activity in the ontological space, forms internal life plans, strategies and attitudes based on the norms of natural and legal, socio-natural environment. It is proved that the nature and essence of man are investigated by two basic approaches: natural and supernatural, taking into account the fact that man is an energetic, active and free being that determines the parameters of his / her legal existence. The natural (naturalistic) approach is that man is the result of the development of nature, because of which he (man) is understood and explained as natural, given all the consequences of such an understanding. The supernatural approach, on the contrary, is that man is the product of a certain intangible spiritual basis that determines the supernatural nature of man. Human society is essentially connected with natural law, because this right is self-organizing, and people by nature are also prone to self-organization. Human rights are the basis of natural-legal space, ie, so to speak, natural-legal space exists as a measure of respect for human rights given to it by nature, as well as a measure of truth and conformity of human behavior to the norms of ontological space. Man in the ontological and natural-legal space is endowed with autonomy, which is the priority of his subjective rights. Under the condition of human development in the team, each member of this team should be perceived as an individual with a unique "set" of properties. It is very important for the disclosure of human nature that a person will never be formed as a person and will not be revealed to the world without a lasting sense of inner freedom, ie such freedom that implies freedom from any ideological dogmas.

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