Legal socialization of the children is an important part of the theory of legal socialization
of the person. The role of early legal socialization is to includ the person in global society and
to minimization risks of development destructive legitimate behavior. As a result of studing at
school children must know the basic legal norms which interpret their rights and duties, rights
and duties of their parents, of their friends and of the state. The article deals with the role of
family and school in long and periodisated process of legal socialization of the person,
complicated by multiple economic and social factors. Successful legal socialization requires
relevant innovative educational programs, innovative methodology with didactical approaches
to studies. We need developed infrastructure of social institutes. We must to prepare youth for
a full participation in legal life of society. The lack of an appropriate strategy for legal
socialization has a negative impact on the situation of legality and order in our state. The
problems in the sphere of law-based education, imperfect organization of specialized trainings
for children contribute to higher disorientation our citizens, establishment of asocial
personality in law life, and in the end loss of effective impact on the right to real deeds and
thoughts of Ukrainian citizens. Each case of illegality and abuse of rights prove problems at
certain stages or mechanisms for personal legal socialization.
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