The human right to citizenship in the lens of the European Court of Human Rights

: 233-243

Sofinska I. "The human right to citizenship in the lens of the European Court of Human Rights"

Ukrainian Catholic University

In this article, I research merely on the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights regarding citizenship, its acquisition, and termination (Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali v. The United Kingdom (1985), Riener v. Bulgaria (2006), Genovese v. Malta (2012), Wagner and J.M.W.L. v. Luxemburg (2007), Stamose v. Bulgaria» (2013), Menneson v. France (2014) і Labassee v. France (2014), Biao v. Denmark (2016), Ramadan v. Malta (2016), Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy (2017)). In today's globalized world, citizenship is one of the most essential and fundamental things that determine a person's legal status as well as the dichotomy of the relationship between the individual and a particular state. Every person has the right to a nationality, which is personal and inalienable. In the ancient world, citizenship was the very legal indicator and humanitarian standard, which aims to protect the political feature and constitutional (national) identity of each state; to guarantee balanced and stable development, despite the permanent geopolitical and global turbulence. However, such guarantees should be in sync with the gradual integration of every citizen into society, his/her inclusiveness in the life of the state, guaranteeing human rights, respect for their privacy and family life, reducing manifestations of (direct/indirect) discrimination.

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