
Subjects of administrative jurisdiction: some issues of legal status

Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the study of the legal status of subjects of administrative proceedings. The article examines scientific and legal approaches to the definition of the concept of "subject of administrative proceedings", analyzes the criteria for the classification of subjects in administrative proceedings.

Controversial issues of the subjective party of the criminal offense provided for in art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

Controversial issues of the subjective side of the composition of a criminal offense under Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine were considered. It is noted that for the characterization of robbery, the subjective side of the commission of this criminal offense is important.

The relationship between the concepts of "tactical purpose" and "tactical task" in the theory of operational and exploratory activity

In the article, based on the results of generalization of scientific positions on the research topic, it is concluded that such categories as "tactical goal" and "tactical task" are interrelated, but not identical concepts.

Instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of environmental security

The article is devoted to the study of the instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of environmental security, which is part of the general legal mechanism whose purpose is environmental safety. It is stated that the mechanism of ensuring environmental safety is a complex complex entity that includes a set of organizational, economic and legal means. Appropriate methods and forms are the instrumental basis of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of ensuring environmental safety in Ukraine.

Peculiarities of Creating a Popular Internet Media

The article deals with the peculiarities of creating an online media, using different advantages of Internet. Since its launch, the Internet has been picking the audience in the traditional media, forcing or thinking about survival issues. The adaptation of traditional media to digital age conditions are doing, largely by switching from one sector med in a market a few.

Informational and analytical providing of activity of operative subsections in counteraction crimes in the field of economic

A concept and maintenance of the informaciyno-analitichnogo providing of activity of
operative subsections is considered in counteraction crimes in the field of economics. Methods
and tasks of the informaciyno-analitichnogo providing activity of operative subsections are
described. Certainly basic ministries and departments as sources of receipt of necessary
information for providing of counteraction the noted crimes. Outlined factors which specify on
improper informaciyno-analitichnogo providing of activity of operative subsections in

Subjects system administrative court of Ukraine

The article deals with the scientific and regulatory approaches to the definition of “subject  of  administrative  justice”,  the  classification  of  subjects  in  administrative  legal proceedings was studied. The legal status of the subjects of administrative legal proceedings depends directly on its legislative definition, but its implementation is connected with active or passive forms of execution of the functions of the parties, and other procedural participants in court proceedings.

Goal, task and principle of the administrative court of Ukraine in the modern stage of reforming the ukrainian judiciary

The article deals with issues of development of administrative justice, its purpose and principles. The process, which is carried out by an administrative court, acquires the meaning of administrative proceedings.