Fundamental principles of legal argumentation

: 126-131

Chornobai O. "Fundamental principles of legal argumentation"

Institute of Lawand Psychologyof LvivPolytechnic National University, Cand. of Legal Sciences, Assoc. Prof. of the Departmentof Theoryand Philosophyof Law

The article explores the features of the fundamental principles of legal argumentation that affect their application and interpretation. Separate emphasis is placed on the origin of various principles. The basic principles of legal argumentation are similar to general scientific ones, but modified to meet the needs of legal argumentation. These principles have a moral and ethical basis, which entails a certain freedom of interpretation and application, but at the same time there are criteria that determine the degree of implementation of these principles in each individual case. Highly specialized principles were formed together with the types of trial processes in which they are applied and, accordingly, adopted their specifics. These principles are applied in the vast majority of trials, but to varying degrees, due to the peculiarities of modern legal proceedings. The principle of freedom of evaluation of evidence is highlighted as it applies regardless of the type of trial and has a complex regulatory structure. This structure has two main components – legislative and moral recognized by law. The interaction of principles and their interdependence is described. The features of their application and possible interpretations are indicated.

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