Distribution dialectical approach to legal reasoning proves an accomplished fact about the weakening of the legal-positivist perception in the generally accepted doctrine of the right in favor of the natural-law concept of legal understanding. In this connection, we consider the philosophical and legal theories of subjectivism, irrationalism and voluntarist liberalism, which discloses the essential content of legal argumentation in modern law. From the point of view of subjectivism, the primacy of natural human rights is important, and the law is merely a formalized expression of these rights, or a normative model of behavior. Irrationalism in argumentation proceeds from the fact that the normative model of relations may not sufficiently take into account the value aspects of choosing a behavior option by subject of law. Volunteer liberalism reveals the nature of the dependence of free will (in the context of freedom of action) on legal and non-legal factors influencing on a person’s behavior.
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