Formation of russian legal argumentation based on the principles of legal tradition

: 110-115

Chornobay O. "Formation of russian legal argumentation based on the principles of legal tradition"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article examines the formation of domestic legal argumentation based on the legal tradition. The emphasis is placed on the problem of moving away from the Soviet legal heritage. The main factors that influenced the postponement of the process of formation of legal argumentation in Ukraine are identified. The influence of legal positivism on the formation of its features, the formulation of legal principles is clarified. Positive and negative factors influencing the formation of legal argumentation at the beginning of the existence of an independent Ukrainian state are studied. The significance of ideological and methodological pluralism and the human-centered paradigm in the context of reforming the approach to determining the basic principles of functioning of legal argumentation is considered The role of the general theory of modeling and its main features in the formation of domestic legal argumentation as a response to positivist theory is determined. The effectiveness of logical systems and features of their application in the implementation of legal argumentation are clarified. The connection between legal logic and rhetoric and the need to apply them together with deduction is pointed out. The significance of the hermeneutical factor in the formation of Ukrainian legal argumentation and legal tradition in general is studied. In the same context, the role of the language of law based on the national language is considered as a semiotic system, the use of which is aimed at facilitating the interpretation and understanding of information in legal proceedings. The problem of correlation between static and dynamic law as a science is investigated. The necessity of combining the stabilizing and fixing functions of legal norms on the one hand and the flexibility of applying legal principles to create an effective system of legal proceedings and optimal conditions for the functioning and development of legal argumentation in Ukraine is clarified. The main challenges that hinder this development are identified.

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