Logic in the system of higher legal education and scientific research

: 42-47

Andrusyak I. "Logic in the system of higher legal education and scientific research"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The rules of logic that govern the achievement of truth and mutual understanding between people are closely linked to the rule of law. The science of logic, from the beginning of creation, has always tried to organize communication in order to avoid chaos and disorder in the statements that are the basis of universal culture. The rules of law as a regulatory component ensure order in society, serve as a measure of freedom and justice. Given the close connection between the development of logic and jurisprudence throughout the history of European science, it seems extremely important to raise the role and importance of logic as the basis of the methodology of legal science. This will not only get rid of the influences of the totalitarian past, but also significantly increase the level of legal research and integrate Ukrainian legal science into the European scientific space. The article investigates the application of theoretical and practical methods of logic in the educational process and research. It is emphasized that reliance on the laws of logic is of paramount importance in solving problems that arise during the study of the sciences of formation, development and functioning of society, as well as the formation of legal systems. It is noted that the basis for the formation of legal systems is the teachings of Aristotle, in particular the basic laws of logic derived by scientists. The law of identity is the absolute discreteness of thought: all reasoning is reduced to one indivisible, self-identical movement of reasoning. According to the law of sufficient grounds, reasoning is characterized by absolute continuity of opinion and the need for constant justification. The works of modern researchers of the science of logic and the achievements of classical scientists of different periods, starting with Aristotle, are analyzed.

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