Laws, forms and methods of thinking in scientific papers Olexander Kulchytsky

Andrusiak I. "Laws, forms and methods of thinking in scientific papers olexander kulchytsky"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Logic is one of the oldest sciences. We talk about it as art of statements and arguments. Anyone who masters this science will be able to effectively achieve their own goals by acquiring new knowledge and producing their own ideas. Ability to critically evaluate opponents statements and respondents arguments will allow them not to succumb to the pressure of commercial media, promises of politicians, etc.

Reasoning and argumentation are important objects of logical research. Logic as a science classifies reasoning and specifies the types of argumentation. It allows to evaluate their rationality and describe typical errors in reasoning and arguments. The reasoning may be correct or may contain errors. What is the source of such mistakes and how to avoid them? We will find the answers to these and other questions by analyzing the scientific heritage of Alexander Kulchytsky – Ukrainian philosopher, public and cultural-educational figure (1895 - 1980).

The article examines the work of O. Kulchytsky in the field of logic. The scientist's approaches to the interpretation of forms of thinking, in particular, structure, concepts and classification of judgments were analyzed. The reasoning of the scientist on methodological remarks on certain sciences deserves special attention, in particular, the vision of law in the system humanities.

The works of researchers of scientific heritage of O. Kulchytsky were analyzed. In this research gaps in the information about outstanding Ukrainian scientists in educational institutions were revealed.

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