
Criminal Procedure as a Leading Branch of Law in Relation to the International Legal Systems of the EU and the USA

Abstract. Criminal procedure is one of the leading branches of law that plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order, justice, and human rights. In the context of globalization and the integration of international legal systems, particularly those of the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA), criminal procedure takes on special significance.

The Principle of the Rule of Law in Constitutional Law

Abstract. The principle of the rule of law is a fundamental element of constitutional law that ensures stability and justice in the legal system. This article explores the historical development of the rule of law, from its origins in classical legal systems to modern interpretations and implementations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of key aspects of the rule of law, such as its importance for the protection of human rights and freedoms and the role of constitutions in ensuring it.

System and Conditions of Criminal Punishment for Juveniles

In the modern law enforcement process, special attention is paid to the criminal liability of minors. This is due to the need to ensure their rights and interests, as well as to promote their correction and social rehabilitation. This research article examines the system of criminal sentencing for minors. The author analyzes the legislation, practice and principles that determine the conditions of criminal punishment for this category of persons.

Institute of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons as an important component of the development of the legal system of Ukraine

This article examines the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine. It was determined that the rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine is an important step for ensuring justice and restoring trust in justice. It has been studied that the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons plays an important role in the legal system of Ukraine, having a significant impact on the development of justice and the protection of human rights.

The phenomenon of justice as a legal value: scientific discourse of modern understanding

The article clarifies the determining features of justice as a legal value through the prism of modern legal understanding. It is noted that justice is one of the most important problems of our time, which reflects the extremely complex dialectical processes of the legal development of global society. As a value, it forms the worldview attitudes of society, people's vision of their future, their eternal aspirations for harmony and perfection of social relations. And also allows to comprehensively understand the meaning and content of modern processes of state and law-making.

Inacceptability of influence by prosecutors and lawyers on the activities of judges

  Abstract. Prosecutors and lawyers, whose work involves ensuring the application of the law and, at the same time, diligently respecting court decisions, the enforcement of which is often their duty, must protect the right to appeal during their execution. It is clear that the reverse is also true: judges must respect prosecutors as representatives of these professional bodies and not interfere with the performance of their duties.

Measures to ensure the institutional independence of the judiciary

Abstract. In accordance with international legal standards in Ukraine, the independence of judges is guaranteed by the Constitution (part one of Article 126). It is prohibited to influence the judge in any way (part two of Article 126 of the Constitution of Ukraine). Also, the first part of Article 129 of the Basic Law of Ukraine states that a judge, when administering justice, is independent and governed by the rule of law.

Peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the citizens right of an environment safe for life and health in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the problem of determining the peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health in Ukraine.

Particular attention is devoted to defining the specifics of the target, structural-organizational and competence blocks of this status.

Modern principles of administrative and legal support for the activities of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the problem of identifying the main principles of administrative and legal support for the activities of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health in Ukraine.