principles of law

Genesis of the principle of equality in law: philosophical and legal characteristics

The article is devoted to the analysis of the genesis of the principle of equality in law and philosophical and legal ideas. It was established that the researched category was born in the period of Antiquity and is developing until now. Equality means the same position of people in society. This category has an axiological character and was formed evolutionarily, together with the development of the concepts of the state and law.

Formation of russian legal argumentation based on the principles of legal tradition

The article examines the formation of domestic legal argumentation based on the legal tradition. The emphasis is placed on the problem of moving away from the Soviet legal heritage. The main factors that influenced the postponement of the process of formation of legal argumentation in Ukraine are identified. The influence of legal positivism on the formation of its features, the formulation of legal principles is clarified. Positive and negative factors influencing the formation of legal argumentation at the beginning of the existence of an independent Ukrainian state are studied.

The role and importance of the principles of law in the formation of modern administrative law

The article examines the role and importance of the basic principles of law in the formation of administrative law. It is noted that the most important task of the modern stage of the development of administrative law is the legal provision of the functioning of public authorities, their bodies and employees, as well as forms and methods of activity on the principles of the rule of law.

The discretionary powers of the court in the context of adherence of the principle of the rule of law

The article examines the essence and scope of the discretionary power of the court in the
context of adherence of the principle of the rule of law. Based on the analysis of the
phenomenon of judicial discretion and the principle of the rule of law, the article defines the
main directions of their mutual influence