Legal Bases of interaction of the state power and opposition in the period of democratic transformation: theoretical and legal aspect

: 15-21

Pyvovar M. "Legal Bases of interaction of the state power and opposition in the period of democratic transformation: theoretical and legal aspect"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article examines the interaction of state power and opposition in the period of democratic transformation. This kind of interaction is due to the historical preconditions for the formation of the opposition, its models, types, forms of government and political regime of the state. The integral classification of legal bases and forms of interaction of the state power and opposition depends on these factors. Today, there are several generalized models of political opposition in Western European doctrine, including: 1) the Westminster model; 2) the German model; 3) the French semi-presidential model; 4) the Scandinavian model. It is established that the opposition as an institutionalized representation of the interests of citizens at the level of public decision-making, critical evaluation of government policy, requirements for its correction, bringing it into line with the right needs, qualified alternatives. The mission of the opposition is not to deny the current government, but to generate an alternative policy to the government's course. The opposition is an institution whose purpose is to express interests and values ​​that are not represented in the activities of the ruling regime. Thus, the opposition expresses and consolidates the protest activity of the population, forms demands that oppose the behavior of the government or correct it. I.Pobochiy divides there are three forms of political interaction between the government and the opposition, namely political struggle, cooperation and neutrality. The political struggle is for the conquest and division of state power, and it is based on the contradiction of the objective political interests of different social groups, classes, nations, and so on. Cooperation is based on the coincidence - within a specific identity - of the political interests of the subjects that have formed situational. Neutrality implies keeping actors from exchanging activities in conditions of conflict or coincidence of their political interests, but, for tactical reasons, it should be considered as a special form of political interaction. An important task in ensuring proper forms of realization of the legal basis of interaction between the government and the opposition is to develop effective legal mechanisms for such interaction, enshrined in the law of Ukraine, which regulates the legal status of the opposition and guarantees its activities.

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