Legitimacy of power as a legal phenomenon and its manifestations in the conditions of democratic transformation

: 272-281

Kovalchuk V. "Legitimacy of power as a legal phenomenon and its manifestations in the conditions of democratic transformation"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article analyzes the issue of the legal nature of legitimacy, which is the main attribute of public authority in the process of interaction with civil society institutions. It is a necessary condition for the functioning of public power in a democratic transformation conditions that ensures political stability and law and order in the state. Legitimacy includes three basic elements: justice, legality, and expediency, which are closely interrelated. From the point of view of the author of the article, legitimacy is one of the fundamental properties of state power in a democratic state governed by the rule of law, which is manifested in the recognition of citizens (subjects) the order of constitution and functioning of the current government as fair, lawful and expedient, which results in their readiness to act in accordance with the constitution and laws. The author of the article identifies a number of features that fill the legitimacy of its legal essence. First, legitimacy finds its expression through the idea of law, justice, and other universal values. Second, legitimacy contains a normative component because it is based on the constitution and legislation. Therefore, the execution of orders of the current government in the form of specific instructions or general principles is carried out both through internal conviction in the fairness of the current government and its laws, and through the possibility of sanction in case of violation. Third, the starting point for legitimate power is the constitution, which embodies the legal values and sovereign will of the people. Fourth, legitimacy always implies the recognition by society of the legitimacy of the type of domination and its methods that are characteristic of this political regime in certain historical and social circumstances. Fifth. the application of the principle of "political expediency" in the process of formation of a democratic state governed by the rule of law can strengthen the legitimizing potential of the current government or, conversely, destabilize the system of political relations. The application of this principle allows to resolve socio-political conflicts and to restore (establish) democratic values, to overcome the social crisis in cases when the mechanisms for its resolution are not fixed in the current law.

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