Legal regulation of environmental safety in emergency situations

: 56-61

Sirant M. "Legal regulation of environmental safety in emergency situations"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Abstract. In the article based on the complex system, approach the analysis, in the context of the current legislation, of the basic scientific and theoretical approaches to the basic bases of legal regulation of maintenance of ecological safety in emergencies is carried out.

It is noted that the achievement of strategic goals of environmental safety and environmental management is carried out by forming and implementing long-term well-thought-out state policy in the field of ecology, forming an effective system of environmental bodies, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, raising environmental education and culture. Dominant in the process of reforming the legal regulation of environmental safety in emergencies of structures is political purpose, not the need for change. Despite the adoption of a number of laws and programs to respond to and prevent natural and man-made emergencies in the implementation of new approaches to the organization and implementation of environmental safety measures in emergencies, the issue of regulatory regulation of all levels of organizational and special actions is acute. , such as lack of funding and organizational and staffing measures, which sometimes result in layoffs of civil defense personnel who directly perform these tasks.

No effective measures have been taken to change the content of legal regulation, to transfer it to fundamentally new principles of functioning. It all comes down mainly to the organizational restructuring of relevant management structures and the improvement of mechanisms that ensure administrative interconnection and subordination.

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