The place of polemical and pedagogical phenomena in the field of canon law

Slyvka S. "The place of polemical and pedagogical phenomena in the field of canon law"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

The scientific article reflects the possibility of using various transcendental and existential issues of dogmatic theology in canon law. The modern world is intellectually saturated with various polemical phenomena in the field of supernatural knowledge. This knowledge needs to be annoyed by preschoolers, pupils and students, but the presence of different opinions creates difficulties for the teacher. For this purpose, certain pedagogical laws are used, which contribute to the formation of canon law. In particular, educational phenomena have given rise to relevant pedagogical laws. In the pedagogical literature, the pedagogical law is understood as a pedagogical category to denote objective, essential, persistently recurring phenomena under certain pedagogical conditions, the relationship between components of the pedagogical system, which reflects the mechanisms of self-realization, functioning and self-development of a holistic pedagogical system. We are talking about multifaceted connections, the relationship between several pedagogical phenomena in the field of development, education and training. The formation of pedagogical influence on a person has a complex long-term process. We can say that almost all phenomena of nature and society, for any such category have a pedagogical impact on man. This means that pedagogical laws can be classified in some way. With regard to canon law, this classification may be as follows: according to the imperatives of the Ten Commandments of God; according to the imperatives of the Nine Commandments of Beatitudes.

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