The article describes the regulatory framework on which the activities of the bar are based and analyzes the Law of Ukraine "On the Bar and Advocacy". Attention is focused on the basic principles of this Law, the observance and provision of which has a positive effect on the organization and functioning of the bar as a whole, and on the activities of lawyers, in particular.
The requirements for a person who wants to obtain the status of a lawyer are considered. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the definition of the legal status of a lawyer is indicated only by the sign "individual", the presence of a "certificate of advocacy", as well as other information that does not have a regulatory fixation in the Law of Ukraine "On the Bar and Advocacy", but at the same time additional information of personal content should be entered in the Unified Register of Lawyers.
The signs of representation and its grounds were determined, which had a positive impact on the analysis of the representative activity of the lawyer, which provides for the implementation of various legal procedures aimed at protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the person represented by the lawyer.
The lawyer's monopoly on the example of foreign countries was characterized and their role for Ukraine was analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of the advocates' monopoly are determined. At the same time, as evidenced by the practice of foreign countries, the monopoly on advocacy is a significant strengthening of their legal status, as well as one of the conditions for improving professional skills and competitive ability between lawyers themselves, which undoubtedly improves the quality of services provided by a lawyer.
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