The phenomenon of the nation and naciogenesis in the context of (national) state formation

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Terlyuk I."The phenomenon of the nation and naciogenesis in the context of (national) state formation."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The issues of the nation's phenomenon are covered, in particular, the definitions of this concept prevailing in modern legal science. The opinion is expressed that they are reduced to some of its most common meanings as identical to the concept of the population of the state; as an ethno-social community characterized by the inseparable unity of socio-economic and cultural characteristics; as all citizens of the state, regardless of their (national or social) origin, language and / or religion.

It is emphasized that despite the conditional division of nations into political and ethnic, this approach is a vivid reflection of the nation-genesis of any nation, ie the historical process of its evolution as an ethnic group, which, unlike ethnogenesis, is closely linked to political self-awareness. The concept of "nation-genesis" is correlated with the concepts of "nation-building" and "national statehood". The latter, in particular, is defined as a historically changing, but always complex process of formation of social institutions, which is comparable (and in historical retrospect parallel) with the nation-genesis.

It is emphasized that the phenomena of national self-consciousness (self-awareness), national identity and national consciousness are the direct and most outwardly visible manifestation of nation-genesis. It is emphasized that the self-consciousness of the nation is based on national identity (national self-identification), a kind of subjective sense of identity of the national community. It is emphasized that national identity is essentially a multidimensional substance that cannot be reduced to a single denominator. National identity does not abolish other identities ethnic, religious, professional, etc., but, on the contrary, covers and complements them. The thesis that the main feature that distinguishes one nation from another is the collective (collective) identity.

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