In the world, there are numerous specialized institutions on combating corruption, which perform different functions and legal activities. However, until 2014, performance of anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine, as well as their interaction and coordination, was problematic because those functions were exercised by the entities, whose main function was not anti-corruption activities (President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, prosecutor’s offices of Ukraine, who were engaged in preventing and combatting corruption within their authorities, adopted by the Constitution of Ukraine), and by the specialized entities, authorized in the field of combating corruption (prosecutor’s offices, specialized agencies on fighting organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, on fighting corruption and organized crime of the Security Service of Ukraine). Therefore, the French Republic is taken as an example for analyzing legal aspects of the activities of specialized institutions on corruption prevention, and the example of the French Anti-Corruption Agency is used for development of the policy and coordination of the activities of anti-corruption agencies during reforming the anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine and for regulation of the administrative and legal support for combating corruption and coordination in their professional activities.
It is stressed that the foreign experience cannot be easily applied in our country. That is because Ukraine has rather unique system of anti-corruption institutions, which has no analogues in other countries, whereas France has a single specialized anti-corruption institution. The problems of legal regulation of the administrative and legal support for coordination of the entities on combating corruption in our country confirms relevance of the search for the ways of the problem solution. Therefore, the positive experience of foreign countries can be useful for domestic legislators.
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