The role and functioning of the european commission democracy through law in the conditions of approval of modern constitutionalism in Ukraine

: 397-404
Pyvovar M., Bigun N. The role and functioning of the european commission democracy through law in the conditions of approval of modern constitutionalism in Ukraine.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article examines the role of the Venice Commission in the establishment of modern constitutionalism in Ukraine. The guarantee of the protection of constitutionalism is the vocation of the Venice Commission. The work of the European Commission for Democracy through Law is based on three basic principles of the European constitutional heritage: democracy, human rights and the rule of law, which at the same time form the basis of the Council of Europe's work. These principles are reflected in the Commission's three key areas: democratic institutions and fundamental rights, constitutional justice and ordinary justice, elections, referendums and political parties. The Commission also shares the standards and best practices adopted in the countries of the Council of Europe abroad, in particular in neighboring countries. The main task of the Venice Commission is to provide advice to states in the form of "legal opinions" on European standards and requirements of bills or laws that are already in force and submitted to it. He also conducts research and reports on topical issues. The importance of the Commission's work at the request of the Constitutional Court or the European Court of Human Rights. The Commission also cooperates with ombudsmen through the ombudsmen's "amicus" conclusions, mainly on the legislation governing their work. The Commission does not seek to impose the decisions set out in its conclusions. It should be noted that the Commission takes a non-directive approach based on dialogue and shares the experience and practice of the Member States. The special legal status of the Commission is manifested in the fact that its activities extend to most countries of the world, and its competence covers the development of constitutional national legal systems in accordance with European standards. The commission's working group can visit the country concerned to meet with various stakeholders and assess the situation as objectively as possible. The authorities may also submit comments on draft opinions to the Commission. Prepared opinions are usually taken into account by the countries concerned. For Ukraine, the conclusions of the Venice Commission are extremely important for the establishment of European democracy on the way to joining the European Union.

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