The experience of the United States оf America and Canada in the prevention of criminal offenses against the subjects of criminal proceedings

: 182-187
Huzela M. “The experience of the United States оf America and Canada in the prevention of criminal offenses against the subjects of criminal proceedings.”

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the problem of prevention of criminal offenses against the subjects of criminal proceedings through the real provision of their security in the field of criminal proceedings. Since the development of the regulatory framework to address the security of persons involved in criminal proceedings began in the middle of last century, accordingly, this problem, as well as ways to solve it, began to be reflected in the norms of contemporary international law.

The article examines that the problem of prevention of criminal offenses against the subjects of criminal proceedings through the real security of their criminal proceedings is reflected and resolved in  law of  USA and Canada , which clearly regulate the basic principles of international cooperation in combating socially dangerous encroachments on the person, as well as on participants in criminal proceedings.

Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, as well as the legislation of  USA and Canada, some issues of prevention of criminal offenses against the subjects of criminal proceedings through the real security of their security in the criminal process. In particular, the legislation of the United States and Canada, which regulates the implementation of the program of protection of witnesses and victims, the experience of these countries in preventing criminal offenses against participants in criminal proceedings. It was concluded that the positive experience of these states is important for Ukraine in solving the problem of prevention of criminal offenses against criminal proceedings, as well as for improving the criminal and criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine.

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